The Party and The Ballgowns

Some of my block mates and I attended our friend's debut last August 2. Yes, you guys read that date right, this is an extremely late post and I'm sorry about that but I just had to blog about this. After all, it's better late than never, right? Anyway, back to the real subject of this post... the debut was held at Hyatt Hotel in Manila. It was such a relief that it was just near our university and my place, since we had an agenda in the morning until the afternoon. We had our LASARE2 (Lasallian Recollection) that day, and then I still had to go to the salon for hair and make-up purposes. The salon was just in the vicinity of our university, so it was less of a hassle to go there after our recollection. We had gone through a lot of stuff in preparation for this debut, but we had fun while doing it anyway. Hihihi.

In the morning, my girl best friend went to my house to leave her dress and gift, then we went to school together. We were lucky enough that we weren't late for our recollection, but we didn't get so lucky with the weather. Paano ba naman kasi, biglang bumuhos 'yung ulan pagkababa namin ng jeep! Well, at least it didn't seem that we just got out of the shower for that instance. Okay fast forward to the end of our recollection... it was a good thing that it ended early since we were supposed to arrive in the hotel earlier than everyone else for cotillion practice. This was the first debut I attended that had a cotillion, and this was the first time I even joined a cotillion! It was required though, it was an 18 candles and 18 roses kind of thing. We arrived kind of late because we still had to go to the salon then go back home to change... but despite that, no one was practicing when we arrived! Don't ask what happened in the cotillion later, we had no formal practice all together, so you guys probably know what will happen.

We took advantage of the photo booth there, obviously. It wasn't abused that much anyway, so it's alright. Hehehehe. I would've taken more photos if I had my way, but not solo pictures of course! Don't judge, I love taking pictures, okay? 

By the way, my girl best friend and I sat at the 18 Roses table with our other blockmates. We're so badass like that, just kidding. Hahahaha! As you can see, there are only two girls in pink in the photo booth pictures. We were the only girls from our block to be invited... so we wanted to sit with them for the rest of the event. As for my guy best friends, one wasn't invited so we were only three there. Actually, one of them was my cotillion partner. 

It was a long day (and night), but I can say that everything was indeed fun and memorable from the preparation up to the happenings after the party. I really enjoyed the company of the people I was with almost the whole day. By the way, this was my #ootn. I had a "sort-of" wardrobe malfunction since it wasn't much of a big dilemma... but I just don't know if I was the only aware that I had one. I'm just going to keep quiet regarding that one. And sorry for my shameless picture, lol.

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